Migrating to HTTPS ahead of Chrome’s security warnings

Beginning this year, Google has been urging website owners to migrate their websites to HTTPS. As of January 2017, Chrome marks sites as “not secure” in the address bar if there is a password or credit card field on a webpage transmitted via HTTP.

As of October 2017, there will be additional situations in which a “not secure” warning will display on HTTP pages visited with Chrome:

  • on any page when the user enters data to be submitted (such as a search or contact form)
  • on any page visited under incognito mode

Google is on a mission to make the whole web HTTPS, so you’re better off migrating your website to a secure environment sooner than later. Read the complete details on the Chromium Blog.

Contact me if you’d like help migrating your website to HTTPS. Secure certificates are cheap, and sometimes free, and there are several WordPress plugins that make the job quick an easy!